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How Yoga Works – $320

How Yoga Works


The secrets of how yoga works to make us truly whole are revealed here in a delightful story based on how these precious teachings reached Tibet form their home in India, over a thousand years ago.
A practical explanation on the deep practices of yoga, in a simple tale. The story covers specific directions on how to relate to a yoga practice, commentaries on the Yoga Sutras of Master Patanjali, and how the practice of yoga can transform the world around you.
Geshe Michael Roach is the first Westerner in 600 years to pass the rigorous test for the title of Geshe, or Master of Buddhism, at Sera Mey Tibetan Monastery, after 20 years of study. He is an honor graduate of Princeton University and has received the Presidential Scholar medal at the White House. Geshe Michael is the author of over 30 translations of ancient texts, as well as books such as the international best seller, The Diamond Cutter and The Tibetan Book of Yoga.Christie McNally is a translator and teacher of ancient Tibetan and Sanskrit texts. She is a graduate of New York University and has trained at Tibetan monasteries in Nepal and India. She is a professor at Diamond Mountain University, and has studied yoga extensively with some of the greatest Indian, Tibetan and Western masters of yoga. She recently completed the Great Retreat of three years, three months, and three days in the high desert of Arizona.

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