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New Exercises Limited Edition Box Set – $595

Limited edition box set of broadsides from New Exercises, a collection of text works by French poet and visual artist Franck André Jamme, translated by Charles Borkhuis. The box set consists of twelve silk-screened broadsides on mirricard paper, based on originals hand-lettered by Jamme, and printed by Portland, Oregon-based silkscreen artists, Seizure Palace. The box is printed with a Navajo image selected by Jamme.

“A writer of rare quality.”—Henri Michaux

Like tiny poetic word searches, these small poems reveal themselves as tightly packed aphorisms, physically manifesting themselves in the world with a wisdom that is somehow simultaneously novel and ancient.

Franck Andre Jamme has published twelve books of poems and fragments since 1981, as well as numerous illustrated books. In 2005, he won the Grand Prix de Poesie de la Societe des Gens de Lettres. His work has been praised by Edmond Jabes and Rene Char and translated by John Ashbery.

Even as Jamme’s neat blocks, steles, and squares suggest the permanence of letters on stone, they tell us, in modernist style, to make ourselves new — to rearrange our ideas, to regard all experience as impermanent, all patterns as partly imposed.
Stephen Burt, Rain Taxi, Fall 2009

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