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The Surfer’s Journal Hardbound Volumes Set – Our First Eight Years – $7,495

Missed our first 8 years? Hawked your collection to pay off your shaper? Many of these issues are sold out and this is the only place to get them.

The Surfer’s Journal is a unique form of periodical, different than almost all other magazines. In fact, we don’t consider ourselves to be a magazine, more half-book, half-magazine, reader supported with just a handful of sponsors in each 132-page issue. Because we’re almost all surfing editorial, we can delve into topics that get little attention elsewhere, yet are fascinating aspects of wave riding, the culture, vintage surfboards, vintage surf photos, vintage surf decals, longboards, shortboards, stand up paddling, surfing trivia, surfboard design, surf art, surf travel, surf personalities, profiles of interesting surfers, surfing history, all surfing art forms, mat riding, bodysurfing, surf lifestyle, surf technology, discussions of surf forecasting, surfing’s future, past, and the freshest on-edge photo-action, plus backed-off looks so you can mind-surf the waves and lineups.

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