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Take Another Look at Guidance: A Study of Divine Guidance – $90

  • Paperback: 156 pages
  • Publisher: Logos International (1971)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0912106174
“The Bible promises that a serious child of God can know the perfect will of God for his life and experience the joy, reality, and fullness of divine guidance” with that assurance Bob Mumford leads us into a further understanding of the process of flowing in God’s guidance (p. 21). On page 40 he tells us “…most guidance occurs when we are not even conscious of it.” God arranges circumstances in the lives of His children. God’s guidance is referred to as “adventurous” in more than one place in this book and that is a good way to describe it. Mumford points out “The world calls it luck. The Christian calls it providence” (p. 44). Learning to walk in God’s guidance is learning to cultivate an intimate walk with God he adds. This is a very helpful, inspiring book which I strongly recommend.

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